Mirae Asset MF Great Consumer Fund 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of ABSL Dynamic Bond Reg IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 12.6254
24-02-2025 12.6279
21-02-2025 12.619
20-02-2025 12.6222
18-02-2025 12.6243
17-02-2025 12.6205
14-02-2025 12.6126
13-02-2025 12.6097
12-02-2025 12.6192
11-02-2025 12.6158
10-02-2025 12.6086
07-02-2025 12.6074
06-02-2025 12.6379
05-02-2025 12.6224
04-02-2025 12.6101
03-02-2025 12.6099
31-01-2025 12.6031
30-01-2025 12.6138
29-01-2025 12.6116
28-01-2025 12.6174
27-01-2025 12.6222
24-01-2025 12.5933
23-01-2025 12.5788
22-01-2025 12.5831
21-01-2025 12.5656
20-01-2025 12.5427
17-01-2025 12.5274
16-01-2025 12.5312
15-01-2025 12.4942
14-01-2025 12.4853
13-01-2025 12.477
10-01-2025 12.5346
09-01-2025 12.5345
08-01-2025 12.5362
07-01-2025 12.5407
06-01-2025 12.5241
03-01-2025 12.5166
02-01-2025 12.5097
01-01-2025 12.5078
31-12-2024 12.5208
30-12-2024 12.5046
27-12-2024 12.4912
26-12-2024 12.4911
24-12-2024 12.4978
23-12-2024 12.4988
20-12-2024 12.4885
19-12-2024 12.4888
18-12-2024 12.52
17-12-2024 12.5103
16-12-2024 12.5219
13-12-2024 12.5148
12-12-2024 12.4991
11-12-2024 12.5066
10-12-2024 12.509
09-12-2024 12.5038
06-12-2024 12.4742
05-12-2024 12.52
04-12-2024 12.5165
03-12-2024 12.4887
02-12-2024 12.4887
29-11-2024 12.4513
28-11-2024 12.4191
27-11-2024 12.4175
26-11-2024 12.4123
25-11-2024 12.4131
22-11-2024 12.3865
21-11-2024 12.3942
19-11-2024 12.405
18-11-2024 12.4005
14-11-2024 12.3873
13-11-2024 12.4156
12-11-2024 12.4242
11-11-2024 12.4294
08-11-2024 12.4204
07-11-2024 12.4131
06-11-2024 12.4118
05-11-2024 12.4123
04-11-2024 12.411
31-10-2024 12.3993
30-10-2024 12.4089
29-10-2024 12.3923
28-10-2024 12.3752
25-10-2024 12.3881
24-10-2024 12.402
23-10-2024 12.401
22-10-2024 12.3909
21-10-2024 12.3846
18-10-2024 12.3883
17-10-2024 12.4067
16-10-2024 12.4157
15-10-2024 12.4214
14-10-2024 12.4078
11-10-2024 12.3927
10-10-2024 12.4027
09-10-2024 12.4069
08-10-2024 12.3746
07-10-2024 12.3453
04-10-2024 12.3461
03-10-2024 12.4031
01-10-2024 12.4337
30-09-2024 12.4041
27-09-2024 12.3921
26-09-2024 12.4258
25-09-2024 12.3997
24-09-2024 12.3695
23-09-2024 12.3609
20-09-2024 12.3537
19-09-2024 12.3561
17-09-2024 12.3307
16-09-2024 12.3471
13-09-2024 12.3137
12-09-2024 12.3018
11-09-2024 12.2841
10-09-2024 12.2581
09-09-2024 12.2516
06-09-2024 12.2439
05-09-2024 12.2457
04-09-2024 12.243
03-09-2024 12.227
02-09-2024 12.2186
30-08-2024 12.2228
29-08-2024 12.2226
28-08-2024 12.2206
27-08-2024 12.2207
26-08-2024 12.2268
23-08-2024 12.2169
22-08-2024 12.2202
21-08-2024 12.2193
20-08-2024 12.2156
19-08-2024 12.2006
16-08-2024 12.1805
14-08-2024 12.1806
13-08-2024 12.1587
12-08-2024 12.1581
09-08-2024 12.1518
08-08-2024 12.1538
07-08-2024 12.1628
06-08-2024 12.1511
05-08-2024 12.1523
02-08-2024 12.1171
01-08-2024 12.1038
31-07-2024 12.0994
30-07-2024 12.0955
29-07-2024 12.1137
26-07-2024 12.1003
25-07-2024 12.0919
24-07-2024 12.0794
23-07-2024 12.0732
22-07-2024 12.0713
19-07-2024 12.0635
18-07-2024 12.0586
16-07-2024 12.0526
15-07-2024 12.0373
12-07-2024 12.027
11-07-2024 12.0295
10-07-2024 12.0314
09-07-2024 12.021
08-07-2024 12.018
05-07-2024 12.007
04-07-2024 12.0093
03-07-2024 12.0106
02-07-2024 12.0018
01-07-2024 11.9955
30-06-2024 11.9974
28-06-2024 11.9936
27-06-2024 11.9966
26-06-2024 11.9951
25-06-2024 12.0007
24-06-2024 12.0088
21-06-2024 12.0025
20-06-2024 11.9897
19-06-2024 11.9894
18-06-2024 11.9757
14-06-2024 11.9652
13-06-2024 11.9607
12-06-2024 11.9378
11-06-2024 11.9345
10-06-2024 11.9212
07-06-2024 11.9232
06-06-2024 11.921
05-06-2024 11.9009
04-06-2024 11.8805
03-06-2024 11.9586
31-05-2024 11.9144
30-05-2024 11.9072
29-05-2024 11.8995
28-05-2024 11.9081
27-05-2024 11.9189
24-05-2024 11.9083
22-05-2024 11.8981
21-05-2024 11.8685
17-05-2024 11.8454
16-05-2024 11.8555
15-05-2024 11.8462
14-05-2024 11.8291
13-05-2024 11.8181
10-05-2024 11.805
09-05-2024 11.7919
08-05-2024 11.7848
07-05-2024 11.7897
06-05-2024 11.8031
03-05-2024 11.7665
02-05-2024 11.7517
30-04-2024 11.7277
29-04-2024 11.7299
26-04-2024 11.7227
25-04-2024 11.719
24-04-2024 11.7246
23-04-2024 11.7352
22-04-2024 11.7185
19-04-2024 11.6944
18-04-2024 11.721
16-04-2024 11.7113
15-04-2024 11.7253
12-04-2024 11.7135
10-04-2024 11.7552
08-04-2024 11.7263
05-04-2024 11.75
04-04-2024 11.7608
03-04-2024 11.7517
02-04-2024 11.7487
31-03-2024 11.7854
28-03-2024 11.7815
27-03-2024 11.7515
26-03-2024 11.7343

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